World Permaculture Association

We’re happy to announce that Permaculture San Joaquin is now a member of the World Permaculture Association (WPA). We fit in their category Projects, and we are now part of a growing family in the Permaculture Laboratories Network (PLN). Each laboratory in this network has a name specific for their location. We’re located in a rural part of Colombia, not too far from the capital Bogota, with a climate that alternates between wet and dry seasons. We are named “Rural Wet-Dry Tropics Permaculture Laboratory”.

To us this is a big step forward, out of isolation where we were quietly doing our things, right into the more organized and recognized worldwide movement of Permaculture. The WPA will assist us with qualified teachers for courses and guidelines for good Permaculture practise and consultancy. We are now connected to a growing worldwide network of people active and interested in Permaculture.

Over the next days and weeks we will update our pages about Permaculture study and we will outline how you can visit our farm. Although we’re still building things up, we will open our farm to visitors who want to see what we are doing and how we put Permaculture into practise.


The WPA is involved in several activities worldwide and the amount of those is planned to increase over the next years. One main cooperation is with the Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative, which aims at starting Ecosystem Restoration Camps all over the world. The first camp is about to get started in Spain. More information on this initiative you can find on their website at or their public Facebook page at


Another new initiative you can find online: the Regeneration Hub. This Hub facilitates connections between individuals and organisations based on their needs and what they have to offer.


For more information about the WPA, please visit their website at

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